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The Dichotomy of Two Cultures

(clip art of education)
Snow’s idea of two cultures in education (Sciences vs. Arts) was not a new notion for me. My initial standpoint on the dichotomy of the two was a stereotypical one. Coming from South Korea, I shared the belief that many nations (such as S.K or India) still hold that traditional (phyiscal/natural) sciences is uninteresting, yet imperative to success and arts (theological/metaphysical) is fascinating, yet unnecessary. Professor Vesna articulated that this type of perception leads to problems, as cultures’ uncooperative approaches concerning the other causes lack of communication and innovation in both fields. She adds that bridging them together to create “something else”, referred to as the third culture, may be the key. 

(Image of Thinking Minds)

Living in Great Britain during a time where sciences was undervalued in relation to the humanities, Snow articulated that Sciences is the dominant field of study. However, people like Damodharan argued that the arts help a person think in ways that would not be possible through other disciplines. Sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz also adds her own outlook on the dichotomy. 
"Art does not solve problems, but makes us aware of their existence.” 
       (Cooperation Symbol Clip Art)
Concerning my focus of study, business, I believe that the world simply does not revolve around one or the other, hence making it impossible to claim which is better. For example, success in business is something that requires more than just creative thinking or application of formulas and principles. It requires a good mix of both, which can also be classified as the “third culture”. My experience talking to various business professionals about this topic contributes to my belief in the fundamentality of the third culture, as most have claimed that the arts is imperative, and even foundational, to success.

This lesson has allowed me to recognize the dangers of stereotyping the two cultures and their dichotomy enforced by society and its leaders. Snow’s perception of the two cultures being mutually exclusive should be a notion of the past. For the betterment of any individual and society, especially in terms of education, it is crucial that we utilize and integrate both cultures in order to adequately understand world, rather than trying to critically decipher which pursuit is of greater importance.

A Portrait of the Visual Arts Meeting the Challenges of a New Era by K.F. McCarthy
“Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution” by C.P. Snow


California Humanities. “Image of Thinking Minds.” Calhum, 17 Jan. 2018,
Damodharan, Dipin. “Why The Arts Are As Important As Science Or Math.” HuffPost India, HuffPost India, 15 July 2016,
Gatson Training. “Clip Art of Education.” InsuranceLicenseNow, 31 May 2017,
McCarthy, K.F. A Portrait of the Visual Arts Meeting the Challenges of a New Era. RAND, 2005.
OCAL. “Cooperation Symbol Clip Art.” Clcker, 13 Feb. 2011,
Smith, Fran. “Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best.” Edutopia, George Lucas Educational Foundation, 28 Jan. 2009,
Snow, C. P. “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.” Reading. 1959. New York: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print.
Vesna, Victoria. “Toward a Third Culture: Being in Between.” JSTOR, MIT Press, 1 Jan. 2001,


  1. I agree that the third culture should be a mix of both arts and science. However, I do not believe that they have to be equally weighted. One can outweigh another as long as the third culture does its function -- bridging the gap between the art and science.

  2. I also agree that CP Snow's first idea of two cultures: art vs. science was not a new notion for me. Just as degrees in general, there are Bachelors of Arts or Bachelors of Science. Also in the campus, south side of the campus is about science, engineering, and labs in general, but north side of the campus is about history, art, and literature.

  3. I like how you mentioned cultural perception of both science and art because different cultures put different values into both of these categories. For the most part, I feel like science is valued more by most cultures due to the possibility of financial gain. However, arts are mostly consumed on a day to day basis by most cultures however they are not as valued since their presence has been normalized by society.


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