“Simple Mens Muscle Anatomy” Technology, medicine, and art have been critically intertwined for a long time. According to Professor Vesna, one of the oldest ties we can see are through practices of plastic surgery, which originated out of war. She mentions that medical practices, such as plastic surgery, has been considered artistic performances from 4000 years ago. Although in modern times art and medicine have become separate practices, both have been integrated to enhance each other’s practices through the use of technology. For example, artist and professor Diane Gromala developed a VR program to treat phobias, Parkinson’s, and anxiety that is used in over 20 hospitals in the US (TedxTalks). One of the most fascinating and innovative amalgamations of art and medicine technology is the use of MRI and 3D printing. MRI’s have been used for medical purposes since the 1990s after its development by Raymond Damadian (Uttal). Soon after, artist Justine Cooper...